Graphic Design

Can you make the logo bigger?

Two essential elements of good design are balance and trust.

It’s almost inevitable, and at the very least always anticipated. It doesn’t matter how big the company’s logo appears, there’s always room for it to get just a hair bigger than the original design.
Insider Tip: Sometimes we designers intentionally make the logo a little smaller for the first round knowing that we’ll be asked to increase the size and can then “compromise” to the size it should be in the final product.
This isn’t war

We want nothing more than the pieces we create to be successful, leave an impact, and make a meaningful connection. They can’t just be pretty or edgy or cutting edge; they need to be effective most of all. I always get a warm spot in my heart for the clients I do work for – cheering them on and wishing them the best of success. If their business can thrive and grow as a result of something I’ve continued to, then I’ve done my job and am successful as well.

That success starts with trust.

It’s not that designers have an unwritten rule to be obstinate about making logos larger than a certain size – we just want to do what’s best for our clients. We know what we’re doing—trust us.

Let’s face it. None of us like a pushy salesman that barges into our lives uninvited and won’t give up. He goes on and on about himself and his product – never getting personal or trying to learn about you, the customer. He has no personality other than an ego the size of the moon and his incessant (and annoying) brand-name dropping.

Making a company’s logo bigger just for the sake of making it “stand out” transforms the company into “that salesman.” It’s big and boisterous, yelling “look and me, look at me!”

Play it smart

Instead, let’s aim to be smart, modest, sophisticated, and tasteful. You know, the kind of salesperson everyone wants to work with. Your company is good at what it does, and your products and services are worthwhile. They fulfill a need. Talk about that and people will listen. Your messaging and differentiators should be what get remembered to help you succeed.

Consumers react to brand tone and personality.

Rather than getting stuck on the size of the logo, the real focus should be on the overarching feeling and message the materials convey.

  • Does the piece speak to the audience and elicit an emotional response through words, color, and imagery?
  •  Does it answer a need they may have?
  • Is it personable, different and designed in-line with the brand?
  • Is the logo legible and given enough white space for it to feel important and not crammed into a corner?

All of these elements together will make a brand campaign that is memorable and effective.

The key is balance.

There is no guide that says how big or small a logo should be in order to make the greatest impact. Oversized logos can make a superb graphic element and add dimension to a brand look. Just know that increasing a mark’s size is no easy miracle fix, and in some cases can case more clutter than benefit.

Note: If the logo is so small you can’t read it, or it’s getting overwhelmed by the other elements of the design—by all means, please make it a little bigger. It’s all in good taste!
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